
How is the evaluation Board in Turkey ?

Evaluation Board in Turkey

According to Article 8 of the Regulation on the distribution of the money collected from the percentages to the workers, it is foreseen that an evaluation board shall be established in the workplaces where wages are paid in this way. According to the article, there is no criterion for the number of workers for the workplaces where an evaluation board must be established. Therefore, in any workplace where the percentage method is applied, this board must be established without taking the number of workers as a basis.

The evaluation board in Turkey should be established for the evaluation of the length of service and achievement status based on the percentage application. The evaluation board in Turkey will be chaired by the employer or his representative and consist of the union representative or the most senior unit supervisor who does not hold the title of employer’s representative. If there is no collective labour agreement in force in the workplace, the workers’ representative shall be elected by secret ballot and open counting with the participation of all workers. The necessary procedures related to this election shall be carried out by the employer’s representative and the two most senior unit supervisors, one in-service and one out-of-service.

The result of the election must be recorded in a report and announced at the workplace. In the event that the employment contract of the representative is terminated for any reason, the election will be held in the same way and the documents related to the election will be kept in the workplace records.