Streamline Your Workforce with Labour PEO Services in Turkey

Labour PEO (Professional Employer Organization) services have emerged as a game-changer for businesses in Turkey, enabling them to streamline their workforce management while ensuring compliance with labour laws and regulations. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on how labour PEO services can benefit businesses in Turkey, optimizing their operations, minimizing risks, and maximizing…

Understanding Labour Legislation in Turkey: A Comprehensive Guide

Labour legislation in Turkey plays a crucial role in protecting the rights and interests of employees, ensuring fair treatment, and promoting a harmonious work environment. In Turkey, the government has implemented several labour laws and regulations to safeguard workers’ rights and establish a balanced employer-employee relationship. This article will delve into the key aspects of…

State aid programs in Turkey

Turkish government has implemented various state aid programs aimed at helping businesses in Turkey. State aid is defined as financial support provided by governments to businesses that aim to stimulate economic growth and help businesses overcome difficulties. In Turkey, state aid is regulated by the Turkish Competition Authority (TCA) and is subject to strict rules…

The Regulation concerning Electronic Commerce Intermediary Service Providers and Electronic Commerce Service Providers (ETHS) in Turkey

A regulation (ETHS) regarding electronic commerce intermediary service providers and electronic commerce service providers has been published in the Official Gazette with the number 32058 and dated December 29, 2022. This Regulation covers audits of electronic commerce intermediary service providers and electronic commerce service providers, as well as commercial relations between them. The Regulation requires…

Payment of salary in Turkey

Paying an employee’s salary in Turkey requires careful attention to local regulations and procedures. In this article, we will provide a detailed overview of how to pay a salary in Turkey, including calculating taxes and social security contributions, preparing pay slips, and making payments to employees. Calculating Taxes and Social Security Contributions The first step…