
Employing Turkish Staff

Statuts, permission, employing Turkish staff


Please check all the informations of these article before employing Turkish staff. Joint stock companies based in Turkey may only be allowed to set up a branch company or a subsidiary by the permission of Turkish Ministry of Industry and Trade, and if they wish to employ turkish staff they must set up a legal entity in Turkey. Further, they may open liaison offices which are not engaging in commercial activities in Turkey.

Social security registration when employing Turkish staff

Registering only upon hiring Turkish staff. Workplace’s affiliated Turkish Social Security Institution (SSI) is notified as and when a new member of staff starts working for the company.

Tax registration

Tax registration process is completed during legal set up of the company. Tax number is issued by the tax office – it is the same for both corporation tax and employee tax.

SSI Registration of company

Employer should register in SSI on the same day they employ staff in Turkey. Upon registration, companies will receive a social security registration number. Newly registered companies can notify new starters to the SSI in their first workplace report by the end of the first month.

New employee SSI registration

The employer must notify the authorities of new starters immediately by submitting a notice of employment. The declaration shall be submitted online to the authorities one day before the start day at the latest.
Information required : Copy of Identity Card and Photos.


Employee terminations must be reported within ten days by filling in the online form on the SSI website.

Please contact Azkan Group Umbrella Company Turkey if you are looking for further informations regarding employing turkish staff.

Since 2005, AZKAN Group team, based in Istanbul (Turkey) and Paris (France), supports you in your Payroll Turkey and Umbrella Company Turkey projects.