
Informing the Parent/Guardian about the Employment of Children and Young Workers in Turkey

In Turkey, the employment of children and young workers is a critical issue that demands attention from both governmental bodies and societal stakeholders. While child labor is strictly regulated by law, ensuring compliance and awareness among parents and guardians remains a challenge. The welfare and development of children and young workers are paramount, requiring comprehensive measures to safeguard their rights and well-being.

This model aims to address the crucial aspect of informing parents and guardians about the employment of children and young workers in Turkey. By providing clear guidelines, resources, and educational materials, this initiative seeks to empower parents and guardians to make informed decisions regarding the work opportunities available to their children. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of understanding the legal framework surrounding child labor and the rights guaranteed to young workers under Turkish law.

Through collaboration with governmental agencies, educational institutions, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and community leaders, this model endeavors to establish a robust network for disseminating information and promoting awareness about child and young worker rights. By engaging stakeholders at various levels, including local communities and grassroots organizations, the model strives to foster a culture of accountability and responsibility towards protecting vulnerable youth from exploitation in the labor market.

Key components of this model include:

  1. Educational Campaigns: Launching awareness campaigns targeting parents, guardians, and communities to educate them about the risks associated with child labor and the importance of prioritizing education and safe working conditions for children and young workers.
  2. Informational Resources: Developing easily accessible informational materials, such as brochures, pamphlets, and online resources, to provide parents and guardians with comprehensive guidance on legal regulations, their children’s rights, and available support services.
  3. Collaboration with Schools: Partnering with schools and educational institutions to integrate lessons on child labor prevention and youth rights into the curriculum, ensuring that children are equipped with the knowledge to recognize and report instances of exploitation.
  4. Helpline and Support Services: Establishing a dedicated helpline and support services where parents, guardians, and young workers can seek guidance, report violations, and access assistance in cases of exploitation or unsafe working conditions.
  5. Community Engagement: Engaging with local communities, religious leaders, and civil society organizations to mobilize support for the protection of child and young worker rights, fostering a collective effort to combat child labor and promote ethical employment practices.

By implementing these strategies and fostering collaboration among stakeholders, this model aims to create a safer and more supportive environment for children and young workers in Turkey. Through informed decision-making and proactive intervention, we can work towards ensuring that every child has the opportunity to grow and thrive in a secure and nurturing environment, free from the harms of exploitation and labor abuse.

Informing the Parent/Guardian about the Employment of Children and Young Workers in Turkey Template

Messrs, ……………………………..

……………. whose parent/guardian you are and who will be employed in our workplace The work to be performed, the risks he/she may encounter and the measures taken against these risks are set out below. Date

                                                                                                                    Authorized Signatures

Workplace Information



Field of Activity:

Emploer Representative:

MLSS Registry No:

SSI Registry No:




Workplace Physician:

Occupational Health Specialist:

Work to be done:

Encountered Risks:

Taken Measures: