
Taxation in Turkey

taxation turkey

Turkey, strategically positioned at the crossroads of Europe and Asia, offers a vibrant business environment with a robust tax system that investors and businesses need to navigate effectively. Understanding the Turkish tax landscape is crucial for compliance and optimal financial planning.

This article provides an in-depth analysis of the taxation system in Turkey, covering corporate taxes, individual income taxes, value-added tax (VAT), and other significant taxes and incentives.

1. Overview of the Taxation System in Turkey

The Turkish tax system is governed by several laws and regulations, including the Income Tax Law, Corporate Tax Law, and the Value Added Tax Law. The Ministry of Treasury and Finance oversees the administration and enforcement of these tax laws through the Revenue Administration (GİB).

Key Tax Authorities:

  • Revenue Administration (GİB): The main body responsible for tax collection and enforcement.
  • Tax Offices: Local offices that handle tax registrations, filings, and audits.

2. Corporate Taxation in Turkey

A. Corporate Income Taxation in Turkey

Corporate income tax is levied on the worldwide income of resident companies and the Turkey-sourced income of non-resident companies. The standard corporate tax rate is 20%, although this rate has been temporarily increased to 23% for the years 2021 and 2022.

Key Points:
  • Resident Companies: Taxed on their worldwide income.
  • Non-Resident Companies: Taxed only on income derived from sources within Turkey.

B. Tax Base and Deductions

The tax base for corporate income tax is the net income, which is calculated as total revenue minus allowable expenses. Common deductible expenses include:

  • Operational Costs: Such as salaries, rent, and utilities.
  • Depreciation: Depreciation of fixed assets is allowed according to specified rates.
  • Interest Expenses: Subject to certain limitations.
  • R&D Expenditures: Enhanced deductions are available for research and development activities.

C. Tax Filing and Payment

Corporations are required to file annual tax returns by the end of the fourth month following the fiscal year. Quarterly advance tax payments must be made based on provisional tax calculations.

3. Individual Income Taxation in Turkey

A. Income Tax Rates

Individual income tax in Turkey is progressive, with rates ranging from 15% to 40% based on income brackets. The following rates apply for 2024:

  • Up to TRY 32,000: 15%
  • TRY 32,001 to TRY 70,000: 20%
  • TRY 70,001 to TRY 250,000: 27%
  • TRY 250,001 to TRY 880,000: 35%
  • Above TRY 880,000: 40%

B. Taxable Income

Taxable income includes wages, business profits, rental income, investment income, and other sources of income. Deductions and allowances can reduce taxable income, such as:

  • Personal Allowances: Standard deductions for individuals and dependents.
  • Health and Education Expenses: Certain expenses can be deducted up to a specified limit.
  • Donations: Charitable donations to approved organizations may be deductible.

C. Filing Requirements

Individuals must file annual tax returns by the end of March following the income year. Employers withhold tax on wages, and taxpayers must make quarterly advance payments on other income types.

4. Value-Added Tax (VAT)

A. VAT Rates

VAT is imposed on the sale of goods and services in Turkey. The standard VAT rate is 18%, with reduced rates of 1% and 8% for specific goods and services, such as basic food items, healthcare services, and education.

VAT Rates:
  • Standard Rate: 18%
  • Reduced Rates: 1% and 8% for certain goods and services.

B. VAT Registration and Compliance

Businesses with annual turnover exceeding the threshold (TRY 150,000 for 2024) must register for VAT. VAT returns are filed monthly, and the tax is due by the 24th of the following month.

C. Input VAT and Refunds

Businesses can claim a credit for VAT paid on inputs (input VAT) against the VAT collected on sales (output VAT). Excess input VAT can be refunded or carried forward to offset future liabilities.

5. Withholding Taxes

Withholding tax applies to various types of income, including dividends, interest, royalties, and payments to non-residents. The rates vary depending on the nature of the income and the recipient’s residency status.

Withholding Tax Rates:

  • Dividends: 15%
  • Interest: 10% for residents, 0-15% for non-residents depending on the type of interest.
  • Royalties: 20% for residents, 10% for non-residents.

Double tax treaties may reduce or eliminate withholding tax rates, preventing double taxation of the same income.

6. Other Significant Taxes

A. Stamp Duty

Stamp duty is levied on a variety of documents, including contracts, agreements, financial statements, and legal documents. The rates range from 0.189% to 0.948%, depending on the document type.

B. Property Tax

Property tax is imposed on the ownership of real estate properties. The rates vary based on the property’s location and type (residential, commercial, etc.). Municipalities are responsible for the collection of property taxes.

C. Excise Duty

Excise duty applies to specific goods, such as tobacco, alcohol, petroleum products, and luxury items. The rates are determined based on the product category and are intended to regulate consumption and generate revenue.

D. Motor Vehicle Tax

Motor vehicle tax is an annual tax imposed on vehicles registered in Turkey. The amount is based on the vehicle’s age, engine capacity, and type.

7. Tax Incentives and Exemptions

Turkey offers various tax incentives to attract investment and promote economic growth. These incentives are available for specific sectors, regions, and activities.

A. Investment Incentive Program

The Turkish government provides an investment incentive program that offers tax exemptions, reductions, and other benefits to encourage investments in priority sectors and regions. Key incentives include:

  • Tax Exemption: Exemption from customs duties and VAT for imported machinery and equipment.
  • Tax Reduction: Reduced corporate tax rates for qualifying investments.
  • Social Security Premium Support: Contribution support for employers’ social security premiums.

B. Research and Development (R&D) Incentives

To promote innovation, Turkey offers enhanced deductions and grants for R&D activities. Benefits include:

  • R&D Tax Deduction: Additional deductions for eligible R&D expenditures.
  • Techno Parks: Businesses operating in technology development zones enjoy corporate tax exemptions and other benefits.

C. Free Zones

Free zones provide a favorable business environment with tax advantages, simplified customs procedures, and infrastructure support. Businesses in free zones can benefit from corporate tax exemptions, VAT exemptions, and duty-free import/export operations.

8. Compliance and Enforcement

Ensuring compliance with Turkish tax laws is essential to avoid penalties and legal issues. The Revenue Administration (GİB) conducts audits and inspections to enforce compliance.

A. Tax Audits

Tax audits are conducted to verify the accuracy of tax returns and compliance with tax laws. Businesses may be subject to audits based on risk assessments or random selection.

B. Penalties and Fines

Non-compliance with tax obligations can result in penalties and fines, including:

  • Late Filing Penalties: Fines for late submission of tax returns.
  • Underreporting Penalties: Penalties for underreporting income or overstating deductions.
  • Interest on Late Payments: Interest charges on overdue tax liabilities.


Understanding the Turkish tax system is vital for businesses and individuals operating in or entering the Turkish market. The comprehensive taxation framework encompasses various taxes, including corporate income tax, individual income tax, VAT, and other significant taxes. Navigating this landscape requires a thorough understanding of tax rates, compliance requirements, and available incentives.

By staying informed and seeking professional advice, businesses can optimize their tax planning, ensure compliance, and leverage available incentives to support their growth and success in Turkey.