
What is Easing of Retirement Eligibility in Turkey (EYT) ?

The Easing of Retirement Eligibility (EYT) in Turkey has garnered significant attention and debate in recent years.

EYT refers to a proposed policy that aims to lower the retirement age and ease eligibility criteria for individuals seeking early retirement benefits. In this article, we will explore the concept of EYT in Turkey, its potential implications on the workforce and economy, the arguments for and against its implementation, and the current status of the debate. Let’s delve into this important issue and shed light on the EYT discourse in Turkey.

Understanding Easing of Retirement Eligibility (EYT) in Turkey

Easing of Retirement Eligibility (EYT) in Turkey entails revising the retirement age and criteria to allow individuals to retire earlier and access retirement benefits. Proponents argue that EYT in Turkey is necessary to address issues such as high unemployment rates, long work hours, and demanding working conditions that can impact an individual’s health and well-being. However, critics express concerns about the financial sustainability of such a policy and potential strain on pension systems.

Potential Implications of EYT

Implementing Easing of Retirement Eligibility could have wide-ranging implications:

a) Workforce Dynamics: EYT in Turkey may lead to a significant number of individuals retiring early, potentially creating talent gaps and skills shortages in certain industries and sectors.

b) Financial Burden: EYT’s impact on the pension system and public finances is a major concern. Lowering the retirement age may increase the number of individuals relying on retirement benefits, which could strain pension funds and government budgets.

c) Unemployment Rates: Critics argue that EYT in Turkey might exacerbate the unemployment situation by reducing job opportunities for younger individuals entering the workforce.

d) Health and Well-being: EYT supporters in Turkey emphasize the potential positive impact on workers’ health and quality of life, as individuals can retire earlier and avoid the negative effects of long working hours and strenuous job conditions.

Arguments for EYT Implementation in Turkey

Supporters of EYT in Turkey present various arguments in favor of its implementation:

a) Fairness and Social Justice: EYT advocates argue that individuals who have worked for a certain number of years should have the right to retire earlier, enabling them to enjoy their later years without sacrificing their health or well-being.

b) Improved Work-Life Balance: EYT aims to alleviate work-related stress, provide more leisure time, and allow individuals to engage in personal pursuits, thereby enhancing overall work-life balance.

c) Addressing Demographic Challenges: EYT can help address the issue of youth unemployment by creating more job opportunities for younger generations, as older workers retire earlier.

d) Encouraging Economic Activity: Proponents contend that individuals who retire early may still contribute to the economy by engaging in part-time work, starting their own businesses, or pursuing volunteer activities.

Counterarguments against EYT Implementation

Critics of EYT in Turkey raise several counterarguments to its implementation:

a) Financial Sustainability: Critics express concerns about the strain on pension systems and public finances, emphasizing the need to maintain a balance between retirement benefits and available resources.

b) Unemployment and Skill Gaps: Lowering the retirement age may increase the number of retirees, leading to a potential imbalance in the labor market and exacerbating unemployment rates, particularly among younger workers.

c) Inequity and Generational Divide: Opponents argue that implementing EYT could create a generational divide, as younger workers might perceive it as unfair that older individuals can retire early while they struggle to find stable employment.

d) Longevity and Increased Life Expectancy: With longer life expectancy rates, critics contend that lowering

the retirement age may result in longer periods of retirement, requiring a greater financial burden on pension systems.

Current Status of the EYT Debate

The Easing of Retirement Eligibility debate in Turkey remains ongoing. While the issue has gained public attention and sparked discussions among policymakers, no definitive decision has been made regarding its implementation. The government continues to evaluate the potential implications and feasibility of EYT in Turkey, considering factors such as economic stability, demographic trends, and the long-term sustainability of the pension system.


The Easing of Retirement Eligibility (EYT) debate in Turkey highlights the complexities and trade-offs associated with retirement policies. Balancing the needs of individuals seeking early retirement with the financial sustainability of pension systems is a challenge faced by policymakers. It is crucial to consider the potential implications on the workforce, economy, and intergenerational equity when evaluating the feasibility of implementing EYT. As the discourse continues, finding a comprehensive and sustainable solution that addresses the concerns of all stakeholders remains a significant task. Looking for further informations regarding Turkish Labour Law ? Please click here.