
Work Legislation in Turkey: Protecting Employee Rights and Ensuring Fair Practices

Work legislation plays a crucial role in Turkey, ensuring the protection of employee rights, promoting fair working conditions, and fostering harmonious relationships between employers and employees.

With a comprehensive legal framework in place, Turkey strives to create a balanced and equitable work environment. This article explores the key aspects of work legislation in Turkey, including employment contracts, working hours, leave entitlements, and employee rights.

Employment Contracts

The foundation of the employment relationship in Turkey is the employment contract. According to the Labor Law No. 4857, employers are required to provide a written employment contract to employees that includes essential details such as job description, working hours, salary, and benefits. The contract should clearly outline the rights and obligations of both parties. Additionally, fixed-term contracts, indefinite-term contracts, and part-time contracts are recognized under Turkish law, each with specific regulations governing their terms and conditions.

Working Hours

The standard working hours in Turkey are determined by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security. As per the current regulations, the maximum legal working hours are set at 45 hours per week, with a daily limit of 11 hours. However, certain industries and specific job roles may have different working hour arrangements due to the nature of the work. Overtime work is subject to additional compensation, with the labor law prescribing higher rates for overtime hours.

Leave Entitlements

Leave entitlements form an integral part of work legislation in Turkey, ensuring the well-being and work-life balance of employees. Key leave provisions include:

a. Annual Leave: Employees are entitled to paid annual leave based on their length of service. The minimum annual leave period ranges from 14 to 26 business days, depending on the duration of employment.

b. Public Holidays: Turkey recognizes a number of public holidays, and employees are entitled to paid leave on these days.

c. Sick Leave: In case of illness or injury, employees are entitled to sick leave, with the duration depending on the length of service. During sick leave, employees receive a portion of their salary as determined by social security regulations.

d. Maternity and Paternity Leave: Female employees are entitled to paid maternity leave, both before and after childbirth. Male employees also have the right to paternity leave to support their partners during this period.

Employee Rights and Protections

Work legislation in Turkey provides a range of rights and protections to employees. These include:

a. Non-Discrimination: Employees are protected against discrimination based on factors such as gender, race, religion, disability, or political opinion. Equal treatment and opportunities are ensured for all employees.

b. Health and Safety: Employers are responsible for providing a safe and healthy work environment, taking necessary measures to prevent occupational hazards, and ensuring the physical and mental well-being of employees.

c. Protection against Unfair Dismissal: Employees are protected against arbitrary dismissal. Termination of employment must be based on valid grounds, such as misconduct, poor performance, or economic reasons. In cases of unfair dismissal, employees have the right to legal recourse.

d. Trade Unions: Workers in Turkey have the right to join and form trade unions to protect their rights and negotiate collective bargaining agreements. Trade unions play a significant role in representing workers’ interests and advocating for improved working conditions.

Wages and Social Security

Work legislation in Turkey addresses wage regulations and social security contributions. The minimum wage is determined by the Minimum Wage Determination Commission and is revised annually. Employers are obligated to pay their employees at least the minimum wage or higher. Additionally, employers are responsible for deducting and remitting social security contributions from employees’ wages, ensuring access to social security benefits such as healthcare, retirement, and unemployment benefits.

Employee Privacy and Data Protection

With the growing importance of data privacy, work legislation in Turkey acknowledges the need to protect employees’ personal information. Employers are required to handle employee data with confidentiality and in compliance with data protection laws. Employees’ consent is generally required for the collection, processing, and storage of their personal information, ensuring their privacy rights are respected.


Labour legislation in Turkey serves as a crucial framework for protecting employee rights, fostering fair working conditions, and promoting a harmonious work environment. The comprehensive legal framework covers various aspects such as employment contracts, working hours, leave entitlements, employee rights, wages, and social security. By adhering to these regulations, employers and employees can build a mutually beneficial relationship based on respect, equality, and compliance with the law.

Azkan Group can support you in your Employer of Record (EOR) and payroll requests (also called Umbrella Company) in Turkey. We can manage your HR requests even if you don’t have a legal entity in Turkey.