
You are going to work in Turkey as a seconded

Employee of a company established in France, you will carry out your activity in Turkey, a State linked to France by a bilateral social security agreement. This agreement allows your employer to maintain you in the French social security system under certain conditions. Thus, you keep the benefit of the French health insurance and the coverage of the care received in Turkey without additional contribution. However, since the cost of healthcare costs may be higher than those usually practiced in France, it is advisable to take stock with your complementary health insurance fund and ask them about the possibility of adapting your health insurance contract, if necessary. ‘insurance.

A – Health care

Your rights to health care

To obtain reimbursement or reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of treatment received in Turkey, you can

  • either send the paid invoices accompanied by form S 3125c “care received abroad” to your affiliation fund
  • either send the Turkish organization the request for payment or reimbursement and a copy of form SE208-01 “Certificate of secondment” or SE 208-02 “Certificate of extension of secondment or exceptional maintenance in the country’s social security system of affiliation”. This organization will then bear the costs according to the provisions of its legislation.

The health care rights of your dependents

They accompany you to the country of posting

To obtain reimbursement or reimbursement of expenses incurred as a result of treatment received in Turkey, you can

  • either send the paid invoices accompanied by form S 3125c “care received abroad” to your affiliation fund
  • either send the Turkish organization the request for payment or reimbursement and a copy of form SE208-01 “Certificate of secondment” or SE 208-02 “Certificate of extension of secondment or exceptional maintenance in the country’s social security system of affiliation”. This organization will then bear the costs according to the provisions of its legislation.

They stay in France

They continue to come to your affiliate fund.

B – Work stoppage

Cash benefits are paid directly by your affiliate fund.

To be able to benefit from cash benefits, you must send a notice of sick leave to your affiliate fund within 48 hours. A copy of the work stoppage notice should also be sent to your employer.

C – Family benefits

Your family accompanies you

You will receive from the family allowance fund

family allowances,

the birth or adoption bonus for the childcare benefit (PAJE) provided that the conditions for entitlement are met.

Your family stays in France

She continues to receive French family benefits.